Endera values your privacy, and this Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of Endera and how it collects, uses
and may share your personal information in connection with your use of the enderamotors.com website and any other
applications, interactive features, widgets or resources offered by Endera Motors, LLC or its affiliates (together,
“Endera”) through internet websites, mobile devices or other platforms (collectively, the “Service”). In order to
provide the Service, Endera may collect your personal information. It is Endera’s priority to maintain this data in a
secure manner. This Privacy Policy governs the enderamotors.com web site (the “Site”) and any other applications,
interactive features, widgets, and resources offered by Endera through Internet websites, mobile devices or other
platforms (collectively with the Site, the “Service”). By using the Service, you consent to the collection and use of
your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, and contact
Endera if you have any questions. This Privacy Policy applies to information Endera collects from users of the Service.

1. Personal Information Collected and How It Is Collected.

Endera collects several types of information from and about users of the Service. You may be invited to create an
electronic profile in order to use the Service by which you may provide to Endera personally identifying information
including, your name, e-mail address, phone, home address and/or social media login (“Personal Information”).
Endera does not require this Personal Information to provide you access to the Site, however, you may not be able to
use the Service or utilize certain products or features that require registration or receive materials such as newsletters
unless such information is provided.
Endera automatically recognizes and stores computer-readable information such as the type of web browser you use,
your operating system, your Internet Service Provider, your IP address, the pages you view and the time and duration
of your visits to the Site, (collectively “Usage Data”). This information is automatically provided by your computer.
Do Not Track. Your browser may allow you to set a Do Not Track (“DNT”) signal indicating that you do not want
your online activity to be tracked. Currently, Endera’s systems do not support and cannot act on DNT signal headers
that it may receive. However, the choices Endera provides you concerning the collection and use of your Personal
Information will continue to operate as described in this Privacy Policy. Visit www.donottrack.us to find out more
about “do not track.”

2. Use of Information.

Personal Information: Endera collects your Personal Information for purposes of: (a) providing its services; (b)
maintaining or updating your account; © conducting statistical analysis and improving the Service; (d) providing
customer service; (e) notifying you of updates or changes to the Service; and (f) obtaining your feedback and input
about the Service. In addition, if you receive other communications from Endera, we use your Personal Information for
that purpose.
Usage Data: Endera collects Usage Data to help it understand how its users use the Service. For example, each time
you use the Service, Endera may automatically collect Usage Data to learn the type of web browser you use, your
operating system, your Internet Service Provider, the pages you view, and the time and duration of your visits to the
Site. This Usage Data helps us understand how people use the Site and Service, and to enhance the services we offer.
Cookies and Web Beacons. Endera uses cookies (a small text file placed on your computer to identify your
computer and browser). Endera may also use web beacons (an electronic file placed on a web site that monitors
usage). Endera uses cookies and web beacons to improve the experience of the Service, such as pre-populating your
username for easier login. Endera does not use cookies or web beacons to collect Personal Information. Most web
browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate
when a cookie is being sent. However, certain features of the Service may not work if you delete or disable cookies.
Some of our Service Providers (as described below) may use their own cookies and web beacons in connection with
the services they perform on our behalf.

3. How Endera Shares Your Information with Third Parties.

Other than as set forth in this Privacy Policy, and except for aggregate, anonymized information that we may share
with third parties in a manner that does not link such information to any individual, we will not disclose your Personal
Information with third parties. Endera does not sell Personal Information.
Endera may sometimes use other businesses (“Service Provider(s)”) to perform certain services; e.g., payment
processing, hosting and maintenance, data storage and management services, production and fulfillment, security and
marketing and promotions. Endera provides our Service Providers with the information reasonably necessary for them
to perform these services on Endera’s behalf. Each Service Provider must agree to implement and maintain reasonable
security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information involved in order to protect your
information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure and not to further collect, sell, or
use the information they receive except as necessary to perform services on behalf of Endera.
Endera may disclose aggregated, anonymized information in order to: (a) describe the use of the Service or otherwise
provide information that may be of interest to our existing or potential business partners, customers, or other third
parties; (b) comply with laws, regulations, court orders or subpoenas or in response to a government request; or ©
protect or exercise Endera’s legal rights or defend against legal claims. However, this aggregate data will not involve
the disclosure of your Personal Information nor personally identify you or any other users of the Service.

4. Other Authorized Disclosures.

Notwithstanding anything in this Privacy Policy to the contrary, you understand and agree that Endera may access,
preserve and disclose any information (including Personal Information) it has collected about you or that you have
submitted: (a) to comply with applicable laws; in response to subpoenas, court orders or legal process; or to establish,
protect or exercise Endera’s legal rights or defend against legal claims; (b) to protect the rights and property of Endera,
its affiliates or the public; © if Endera believes it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding
illegal activities, fraud, copyright violations, trademark violations or other violations of the personal or intellectual
property rights of others or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person; (d) to Endera’s affiliates,
joint ventures or other companies under common control with Endera (in which case Endera will require such entities
to honor this Privacy Policy); and (e) if Endera is acquired by or merged with another entity or in connection with a
sale of its assets.

5. Third Party Sites.

The Service may contain links and pointers to websites operated and maintained by third parties over which Endera
has no control. Privacy policies on such linked websites may be different from Endera’s Privacy Policy. You access
such linked websites at your own risk. Endera encourages you to review the privacy policy of any such linked website
you visit to understand that website’s collection, storage, and use of your information.

6. Security.

The security of your information is important to us. Endera uses standard security procedures and practices, including
physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards, appropriate to the nature of the information in an effort to protect
information from unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. Endera also requires its
information technology Service Providers to implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices
appropriate to the nature of the information Endera shares with them.
Our security measures include, without limitation, the following:
• Endera encrypts sensitive information in order to prevent unauthorized parties from viewing such information
when it is transmitted to us.
• Endera limits access to information to specific employees, contractors and agents who have a reasonable need
to come into contact with your information.
No data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result,
while Endera strives to protect information, it cannot and does not guarantee or warrant the security of any information
you transmit to or from the Service.

7. Children’s Privacy Statement.

Endera does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13 without
verifiable parental consent. If Endera becomes aware that it has inadvertently received personally identifiable
information from a user under the age of 13, it will delete such information from its records. Because Endera does not
knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13, it also does not
knowingly distribute such information to third parties.

8. Data Processing.

The Service is only provided for use within the United States. If you are located outside of the United States, please be
advised that Endera processes and stores all information in the United States and in accordance with the laws of the
United States.

9. Changes.

Endera may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change this Privacy Policy from time to time. All changes to the
Privacy Policy will be effective when posted, and Endera will provide notification of such changes to you via the
Service or contact information you may have provided to Endera upon registration. In order to continue using the
Service following any changes to the Privacy Policy of which you are notified, you must agree to be bound by such
changes; your continued use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of our updated Privacy Policy. If you object
to any such changes, your sole recourse shall be to cease using the Service.

10. Questions, Opt-Out and Personal Information Requests.

The Services provides tools for you to correct, update or edit your personal information and control your profile. You
can edit your profile and other information at any time through the Service by logging in to your account. You have the
right to request the deletion of your Personal Information collected or maintained by Endera (“Request to Delete”).
Please email legalnotices@enderacorp.com for further instructions on submitting a verifiable Request to Delete.
Endera will confirm receipt of request within 10 days and provide further information. If you request that Endera
deletes your Personal Information, you may not be able to use the Service. In some cases, Endera may not be able to
delete your personal information and will retain and use your information, if necessary, to comply with its legal
obligations, resolve disputes and/or enforce our agreements.